Action plans

At Blackmores, we believe that actions speak louder than words. 
No matter what your wellbeing goal is, we have an Action Plan to help you get there.
Want to eat a more nutritious diet? There’s an Action Plan for that!  Stress less, move more or commit to a healthier mindset? We’ve got those covered too. 
And we’re with you every step of the way with loads of actionable advice on your goal, delivered straight to your inbox every week.
So sign up and commit to your wellbeing today.


Action plan

3 steps to healthier joints

Keep your joints in a healthy condition with our 3 step action plan.

  1. Joint food
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Joint support
52 ratings comments
Arthritis, joint, bone & muscle
Action plan

How to live a sustainable life

Jump on the path to a greener, lighter life. With a few clever tweaks you can deliver huge benefits to your health and to the environment.

  1. Reduce waste
  2. Get energy smart
  3. Shop mindfully
  4. Eat locally
17 ratings comments
Everyday health
Action plan

Help relieve your dog's itchy skin

Tackle a problem that all dog owners will recognise – itchy skin.

  1. Put the bite on fleas and insects
  2. Allergies and the environment
  3. Is your dog’s diet to blame?
  4. Why some breeds are born to scratch
  5. Why some breeds are born to scratch
0 ratings comments
Action plan

3 ways to stress less

Help to reduce the unwanted stress in your daily life by making some simple yet effective changes to your diet and lifestyle.

  1. De-stress your diet
  2. Make a conscious effort to slow down
  3. Take up a natural stress-relieving activity
36 ratings comments
Stress relief
Action plan

Restore your sleep

Trouble sleeping? Get our top tips to a good night’s sleep and improved energy levels during the day.

  1. Create a sleep-friendly space
  2. Address stress
  3. Dip into a ‘sleep-friendly’ diet
  4. Move more to sleep more
37 ratings comments
Stress relief
Action plan

The advanced guide to wellbeing

Become a well being ‘guru’ - and remember that a healthy lifestyle is all about balance and moderation.

  1. Eat from a range of food groups
  2. Advance your workouts with interval training
  3. Establish your mindset for the long-term
58 ratings comments
Everyday health
Action plan

How to raise a healthy, happy puppy

Set your new four-legged family member up for long-term health and wellbeing.

  1. Teach your pup good eating habits
  2. Streamline the toilet training process
  3. Have some adventures!
  4. Teach them some new things
0 ratings comments
Health and vitality
Action plan

Be more mindful

Mindfulness will allow you to sharpen your perceptions, be calmer and enhance your creative powers.

  1. Limit your time online
  2. Meditate
  3. Mindful activity
50 ratings comments
Stress relief
Action plan

Wellbeing for vet nurses

We know how much time and energy you spend looking after the pets in your care, so now is a great time to refocus on you.

  1. Eating healthier
  2. Learn to manage stress
  3. Get moving
25 ratings comments
Action plan

Fire up your fitness

Take your health and fitness training to the next level.

  1. Set goals & monitor results
  2. Eat for energy
  3. Recovery & motivation
  4. Interval training
39 ratings comments
Energy & exercise
Action plan

How to improve your dog's digestion

Learn about the importance of digestive health for your dog’s overall wellness.

  1. Why a healthy gut is so important
  2. Managing the yucky bits
  3. Digestion, nutrition and weight
  4. Digestive health for every age
1 ratings comments
Action plan

7 days to a healthier gut

Supercharge your digestive system to support your health and wellbeing.

Action plan

4 steps to better joint health for your dog

Discover how you can keep your dog healthy and the hacks that can increase mobility, especially in the colder months.

  1. Identify early signs of joint disease in dogs
  2. Improve your dog's comfort
  3. Increase your dog's mobility and fitness
  4. Use our house hacks to ensure your dogs home is comfortable
0 ratings comments
Joint care
Action plan

Your guide to detoxing

Give your body a gentle cleanse and feel refreshed and ready to kick-start a healthier way of living.

  1. Your guide to detoxing
54 ratings comments
Digestive health
Action plan

5 steps to healthy preconception

Get yourself in tip top baby making shape with our 5 step action plan.

  1. Talk to your health care provider
  2. Adopt conception friendly diet and exercise habits
  3. Stock up on supplements
  4. Learn to manage stress
  5. Look at your partner's health and lifestyle
20 ratings comments
Pregnancy & preconception
Action plan

4 ways to increase your energy

A guided 4 week action plan designed to maximise your vitality and wellbeing, and get the most out of life.

  1. Fuel your food
  2. Move it
  3. Manage sleep and stress
  4. Energy support
51 ratings comments
Energy & exercise
Action plan

4 weeks to better gut health

Discover how to help restore digestive balance and support healthy gut immune defences.

  1. Remove gut stressors
  2. Boost your good gut bugs
  3. Upgrade your diet
  4. Live a gut-friendly lifestyle
17 ratings comments
Action plan

Boost your immune system in the cold

How making a few small changes can help boost your odds of staying well in winter.

  1. Eat foods that boost your immune system
  2. Brave the cold to get your body moving
  3. Set your lifestyle for winter wellbeing
2 ratings comments
Cold, flu & immunity
Action plan

The next step to wellbeing

If you’re already across the basics of healthy living - and you’re keen to build on the healthy steps you’re already taking - this plan will help you to lift your health status out of the ordinary.

  1. Make healthy dishes healthier
  2. Join a fitness class
  3. Daily meditation
41 ratings comments
Everyday health
Action plan

The secret to better brain health

Boost your brain power with these five easy steps.

  1. Shop for your brain
  2. Get moving
  3. Brain fitness
  4. Reduce your stress
  5. Brain support
50 ratings comments
Brain health
Action plan

Making healthy eating stick

Your guide to creating healthy nutritional habits that last.

  1. Turn a healthy action into a habit
  2. Break unhealthy habits for good
  3. Become a healthy planner
  4. Develop a healthy mindset
19 ratings comments
Everyday health
Action plan

The beginner's guide to wellbeing

Kick-start your long term health and wellbeing journey by making some small changes to your diet, exercise regime and mindset.

  1. Daily food diary
  2. Start moving
  3. Set your intentions
43 ratings comments
Everyday health
Action plan

Calmer, clearer: 4 weeks to a better you

Discover how you can use mindfulness and sleep techniques to help reduce your stress.

  1. Set up a mindful life
  2. Fight stress like a boss
  3. Meditate to bring the pressure down
  4. Take steps towards better sleep
16 ratings comments
Stress relief
Action plan

Getting fitter with your dog

Here’s how to get yourself fighting fit, with your best friend in tow.

  1. Step-up your physical activity
  2. Adopting a healthier diet
  3. Adopting healthier lifestyle habits
  4. Supplements and your health
40 ratings comments
Energy & exercise, Health and vitality
Action plan

4 weeks to a better behaved dog

Improve your dog’s behaviour, and reduce their anxiety levels (yours, too) with this useful guide.

  1. Understand your dog’s behaviour and what's causing it
  2. Learn to be a leader
  3. Feed your dog better manners
  4. Lead with love and fairness
0 ratings comments
Health and vitality
Action plan

Start moving for a healthier you

Exercise isn’t just for fitness freaks. Boost your health with our simple 4 step action plan to exercising.

  1. Let's plan for success
  2. Find the right exercise for you
  3. Fuel your body
  4. Prepare yourself to keep going
22 ratings comments
Energy & exercise
Action plan

Boost your family’s immune health

Worried about sniffles, coughs and the dreaded winter cold? Set your family up by supporting their immune health

  1. Boost gut health to increase immune health
  2. Get your family on the move
  3. Teach the kids about winter hygiene
  4. Create a lifestyle that nurture’s winter health
1 ratings comments
Cold, flu & immunity
Action plan

Your guide to a positive pregnancy

Simple, actionable tips for a healthy, happy pregnancy.

  1. Create a healthy diet plan
  2. Develop a pregnancy exercise regime
  3. Check your supplementation
  4. Be more mindful
  5. Focus on what matters
16 ratings comments
Pregnancy & preconception
Action plan

Build your beauty from within

Get the tips and tricks to help your beauty shine from the inside out.

  1. Adopt a skin hair & nail friendly diet
  2. Adopt beauty boosting lifestyle habits
  3. Ditch beauty draining lifestyle habits
  4. Nutrition to boost your beauty from within
13 ratings comments
Nails, hair & skin
Action plan

Caring for your senior dog

Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy during their golden years.

  1. Managing their doggy diet
  2. Keeping your senior pet active
  3. Medical issues your dog may face
  4. Grooming your senior dog
0 ratings comments
Health and vitality, Grooming, Digestive health
Action plan

Healthy eating for kids in 3 easy steps

More good food, less of the sweet stuff – help your child to feel great and thrive.

  1. Fill those tummies with fruit & veg
  2. Reduce sugar for a balanced diet
  3. Healthy habits that stick like glue
18 ratings comments
Kids health
Action plan

Move your way to better wellbeing

Boost your body, mind & mood with our 3 step fitness action plan and get on the path to better health.

  1. Cardio
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility
45 ratings comments
Energy & exercise
Action plan

How to boost your active life

Discover how you can take steps to enhance the activity you’re already doing with our 3-step action plan.

  1. Enhance your daily diet
  2. Prevent muscle cramps
  3. Rest & recovery
32 ratings comments
Energy & exercise
Action plan

Healthy eating made easy

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. Starting today, you can improve your diet with these simple strategies.

  1. Mostly plants
  2. Refining your diet
  3. Superfood snacks
  4. Long-term healthy eating
38 ratings comments
Everyday health
Action plan

Secrets to healthy breastfeeding

Information, support and lifestyle advice to help you successfully breastfeed.

  1. Learn techniques & troubleshoot common concerns
  2. Build your support team
  3. Rest and hydrate to maintain supply
  4. Develop a breastfeeding friendly diet
32 ratings comments
Pregnancy & preconception
Action plan

4 steps for winter wellbeing

Support your body’s natural defences and improve your odds of staying well this season.

  1. Make your meals pack a punch
  2. Get a good night’s sleep
  3. Get your gut on side
  4. Tame your stress levels
0 ratings comments
Cold, flu & immunity
Action plan

How to boost your immune system health

Learn how to boost and support your immune system health with our 3 easy-steps action plan.

  1. Eat for your immunity
  2. Get into healthy habits
  3. Natural therapies
35 ratings comments
Cold, flu & immunity
Action plan

Help your dog to a healthier weight

For good health and wellbeing, it’s best if your four-legged friend’s weight is in the ‘healthy zone’. Discover how to help them get and stay there.

  1. Work out your dog’s weight – and how much to feed them
  2. Get fitter together!
  3. Improve your dog’s gut health
  4. Focus on their general health and wellbeing
0 ratings comments
Health and vitality