Getting fitter with your dog

4 step action plan

Here’s how to get yourself fighting fit, with your best friend in tow.

Sign up Getting fitter with your dog

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Dogs need healthy owners to care for them – and keep them well exercised. And they  need regular exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy.

This means as their ‘parent’, you need to be able to keep up with them.

Find out how to get yourself fighting fit, with your best friend in tow with our 4 week Action plan- sign-up today!

Time to complete

  • 4 weeks


  • Improved cardiovascular fitness for you & your dog
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight for you & your dog
  • Helps support joint health for you & your dog


Step-up your physical activity


Step-up your physical activity

Walk your dog for 30 minutes per day; work your way up to a fast pace to get both your hearts pumping.

Adopting a healthier diet


Adopting a healthier diet

Embrace a heart healthy diet for you and your pet. Ensure you are both getting the correct amount of calories - from a range of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, wholegrains, and water for you, and from a quality dog food for your pet.

Adopting healthier lifestyle habits


Adopting healthier lifestyle habits


This week we look at lifestyle habits that can help improve your fitness and to help to motivate you to get out the door for that morning run!

For dogs, the biggest barrier to fitness comes from you, so this week it's about making sure you're making enough time to get them out and about for daily exercise.

Supplements and your health


Supplements and your health

Explore suitable supplements. Talk to your health care provider and your dog's veterinarian about supplements that may improve both your and your dog's health.