

Who can I contact if I can't find the answer to my question below?

  • For questions relating to your shareholding contact the Share Registrar
  • For questions relating to the Company's activities contact our Investor Relations Manager Dee Henz.

Who should I advise if I need to change contact details related to my shareholding in Blackmores?

Computershare Limited is the company’s share registrar and it manages all shareholder details. Click here for Computershare Limited’s contact information.

If I want to check Blackmores share price with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) what is the ticker symbol?

The Blackmores ticker symbol is “BKL”. The BKL share price can be checked by searching for “BKL” on the ASX website. Please note there is a 20 minute delay in the quotation of this price.

Where can I get a copy of the current annual report/interim report?

The Blackmores Annual Report and Half-Year Report are posted on this website as soon as they are released. Details are sent to all shareholders who have requested a copy and registered their email address with Blackmores. You can access the Blackmores Annual Report and Half-Year Report here.

Who is Blackmores’ Share Registrar?

Computershare manages Blackmores’ Share Registry. Visit their website here.

I am receiving two sets of communication whenever Blackmores sends me anything. How can I make sure that only one copy is sent?

This can occur for many reasons; however, holdings can usually be amalgamated.  Please contact Computershare.

I would like to receive my communication from Blackmores electronically. How should I arrange this?

As a valued shareholder, you can help minimise communications costs and environmental impact by electing to receive Blackmores’ communications by email. This is a great way to ensure that you receive holding statements, annual reports, notice of meetings and other information in a prompt, convenient and secure manner. To become an electronic shareholder, login to your Computershare account here.

How can I obtain details of my past dividend payments?

Shareholders can access their dividend

 history, dividend statement, holding balance and other rel="noopener noreferrer" useful information at Computershare.

Does Blackmores have a dividend reinvestment plan?

Yes – for details of the plan click here.

Does Blackmores have a discount on product for shareholders?

Yes – for more information click here.

When was Blackmores formed?

Blackmores was founded in the 1930s and the company Blackmores Limited was listed on the ASX in 1985. Blackmores first entered markets in Asia in the 1980s and in more recent times acquired Pure Animal Wellbeing (PAW) in 2010 and BioCeuticals in 2012 and launched Blackmores Institute in 2013. View our historical timeline here.

What are Blackmores’ main areas of activity?

As Australia’s leading natural health brand, Blackmores improves people’s lives by delivering the world’s best natural health solutions that become people’s first choice in healthcare. For over 80 years, we’ve been translating our unrivalled heritage and knowledge into innovative, quality branded healthcare solutions that work.

Our high quality products, reliable free Naturopathic Advisory Service and award-winning website are among the many reasons Blackmores is the most trusted name in natural health.

Blackmores is committed to driving growth within the industry. As health supplements continue to become an accepted and mainstream option to improving personal health,

Blackmores is poised to take advantage of this anticipated market growth. For more information, click here.

How many employees does Blackmores have?

The Blackmores Group employs more than 1000 people, including more than 300 people in Asia. We value diversity – more than 80% of employees are female and more than 25 languages are spoken across the Group. For more information about working with us, click here. For current job listings, click here.

Which markets does Blackmores operate in?

At present the Blackmores Group sells products in Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Japan and the United States. View contact details for our international offices here.

How is the financial year defined?

Blackmores has a year-end of 30 June. For example, the 2016 financial year for Blackmores will cover the period from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.