Multivitamin for Men
Multivitamin for Men

90 tablets $0.39 per tablet


Blackmores Multivitamin for Men is a comprehensive blend of 21 nutrients, designed to support men’s health and wellbeing. 

This one-a-day tablet supports a healthy response to stress in the body, men’s energy production and healthy sexual function. 

Why use

  • Supports general health & wellbeing
  • Supports a healthy response to stress in the body
  • Supports energy production & aids post exercise recovery in active individuals when dietary intake is inadequate
  • Supports healthy sexual function & reproductive system health
  • Supports immune system health
  • Supports cognitive function
  • Supports nutrient levels in the body
  • Supports healthy blood circulation
  • Helps reduce free radical damage to body cells
  • Helps convert food into energy
  • Australian made
  • One-a-day

The Blackmores difference

At Blackmores our multivitamins are formulated to deliver doses of key nutrients to support your general health & wellbeing.  Blackmores Multivitamin for Men also contains additional ingredients which have been specifically selected to support performance, including: 

Tribulus: traditionally used in Chinese & Ayurvedic medicines to support male sexual performance 

Zinc: supports exercise performance, immune function and male reproductive health. 

Milk thistle: Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to support a healthy liver

Our look's turned over a new leaf

We're updating our labels to make it easier for you to choose the right products for your wellbeing.

Active ingredients per tablet


Adults – Take 1 tablet a day with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.

Not suitable for use by children under 15 years.


  • Always read the label
  • Follows the directions for use
  • Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate
  • This product contains selenium which is toxic in high doses. A daily dose of 150 microgram for adults of selenium from dietary supplements should not be exceeded
  • If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use
  • Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional

Physical description

A grey, oval shaped tablet with a break bar on one side.

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Hi Irfan, this product does not contain any animal derived ingredients so you may find it to be halal suitable. Kind regards, Christine.
Blackmores Advisory Team
Blackmores Advisory Team 15 Jul 2019
Hi is this halal suitable?
Hi, Could you please advise whether this product is suitable for vegetarians. Thanks
Is this safe for a 17 year old to be consuming
Hi, Just wanna ask if this product halal certificate? thanks
Hi, I wanna try blackmores performance multi, can I just buy and use this daily for a long time as vitamin supplements or do I need to consult doctor before trying this? Can I also use this together with Glucosamine Fish Oil everyday? Thank you.
i wanna try blackmores performance multi.but i'm still about the ginkgo biloba?is it standardized of 24% of flavanoids?i really need supplement for my job at gas and oil industry ,i really need better stamina ,especially focus,processing speed and accuracy ..what product suitable for me? thnks
Does blackmores men's performance multi contains lactose? Thanks