4 foods all men should be eating

4 foods all men should be eating

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Looking for a healthier alternative to steak or a snack food that's low in sugar? Resident men's health writer Andrew Cate outlines his top 4 superfoods for dudes.

1. Salmon

Salmon is a great alternative to a steak, it’s low in saturated fat, and rich in protein and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Salmon is also one of the few food sources of vitamin D.

The benefits for men

Salmon and the omega-3 fats it contains have been shown to play a role in improving the heart health of men, including reduced chest pain and anti-inflammatory properties.

READ MORE: Seafood and men’s heart health

Serve it up

Eating salmon 1-2 times per week should ensure that your diet supplies sufficient quantities of omega-3 fats. Fresh salmon is best, although you can also use canned or smoked varieties. Some serving suggestions for salmon include:
  • Add some chopped up salmon to an omelette for breakfast
  • Add canned salmon to a wholegrain roll with salad vegetables for lunch
  • Roast salmon and vegetables, and top with a walnut pesto for dinner

2. Nuts and seeds

This versatile food group is crunchy, tasty and filling, yet are high in many important nutrients such as fibre, plant proteins, good fats and vitamins and minerals.

But it's not just the nutrients in nuts that make them healthy; it's also what they don't contain. Nuts are low in sugar and saturated fats, and being a plant food, also contain no cholesterol.

The benefits for men

Instead of contributing to weight gain as was once previously thought, nuts and seeds may actually assist in weight control.

Serve it up

All types of nuts and seeds are nutritious, from pecans and pine nuts to sunflower and sesame seeds. Being quite filling, nuts and seeds make an ideal snack between meals to keep hunger at bay, and drip feed your body with a healthy protein source throughout the day. They are high in kilojoules, so dish them out in suitable portions using a zip-lock bag or small container. You can also sprinkle nuts and seeds on cereal, yoghurt, stir fry's and salads. Choose raw or dry roasted nuts, and avoid salted or chocolate coated varieties.

3. Capsicum

Here's a vegetable that's sweet, tasty and nutrient packed. Capsicums are naturally low and fat and high in fibre, containing antioxidants and other key vitamins such as vitamin C, E and folate. They offer one of the most convenient and versatile ways to boost your vegetable intake.

The benefits for men

Capsicums are a rich source of vitamin C. There is some evidence to suggest that vitamin C may play a role in the prevention and management of gout (a painful condition that is more likely to affect men).

FIND OUT: Can vitamin C prevent gout?

Serve it up

It's easy to find the red, green and yellow varieties, and they can be used in many different dishes. If you love a barbecue, capsicums work well on the grill adding vibrant colour and flavour. Other serving suggestions include:
  • Cut up into strips and use raw instead of crackers for dips such as hummus or salsa
  • Roast capsicum and add it to sandwiches, salads or home-made pizza
  • Stuff it with a mixture of ricotta cheese, stir fried mushrooms, herbs and garlic, then bake and serve as a side dish
  • Chop it up and use in brushetta, stir fries, casseroles and spaghetti bolognaise

4. Berries

Berries are lower in sugar compared to many other fruits, explaining their relative tartness. The vibrant colours seen in all red berries (and blueberries) correspond with high antioxidant content. They are also high in fibre and other vitamins such as selenium and vitamin C.

The benefits for men

There is evidence to suggest that cranberries may play a role in promoting men's prostate health.

Serve it up

Berries are great fresh or frozen!
  • Spoon mixed berries and sunflower seeds over natural yoghurt for breakfast
  • Sweeten your porridge or muesli with chopped strawberries instead of sugar
  • Blend frozen berries with ice and skim milk or a low fat milk substitute for a delicious smoothie snack
  • Warm a bowl of blackberries and pecan nuts, and top with a little natural yoghurt for dessert