Healthy bowl of greens, avocados and chickpeas

Discover the benefits of magnesium

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Magnesium’s role in supporting healthy muscle function is well known, but its benefits don’t stop there. Learn more about why keeping your magnesium levels topped up is such a worthwhile pursuit.

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzyme systems in the body. Just over half of the body’s magnesium is found in our bones and another third is found in our muscles and soft tissue.

Not only does it help ensure healthy muscle function, it also supports bone and heart health, can help relieve symptoms of stress and is required to maintain energy levels when dietary intake is inadequate. But official statistics show that one in three people in Australia aren’t meeting their daily requirements for magnesium.

Are you getting enough magnesium?

Low magnesium levels occur if you’re not eating a diet with a variety of magnesium rich foods. But even if you are, other lifestyle factors may increase your risk of deficiency.

Stress, drinking too much coffee, and eating too much salt can all contribute to low magnesium. Some medications may also affect levels. Early signs of deficiency include fatigue, nausea and a loss of appetite. As it progresses, muscle contractions, weakness and cramps, as well as numbness and tingling can occur.

Magnesium-rich foods

Most green leafy vegetables, like spinach and silverbeet, legumes including peas and beans, nuts, whole grains and some types of shellfish are good sources of magnesium. Other foods, including meat, fish and many vegetables and fruits also contain smaller amounts of magnesium.

Food Magnesium content
Cooked spinach (1 cup) 156 mg
Tempeh (150 g) 116 mg
Sunflower seeds (1/4 cup) 115 mg
Quinoa (½ cup, cooked) 63 mg
Almonds (30 g) 80 mg
Cashews (30 g) 74 mg
Jacket potato (1 medium) 50 mg
Brown rice (½ cup, cooked) 42 mg
Kidney beans (½ cup, canned) 35 mg
Banana (1 medium) 32 mg
Atlantic salmon (85 g, cooked) 26 mg
Chicken breast (85 g, roasted) 22 mg
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Supplement benefits

Taking a magnesium supplement such as Blackmores Active Magnesium may help to relieve muscle cramps and mild spasms when dietary intake is inadequate. 

This powder provides a high dose, rapidly absorbed magnesium complex, along with ginseng to help support muscle endurance and aid post exercise recovery, and vitamins C, B12 and folic acid to help support energy levels if you are low in these nutrients.

Blackmores Magnesium Powders

Always read the label. Follow directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

For symptoms of stress Blackmores Relax Magnesium has been formulated with ingredients including magnesium, glycine and hops, a herb used traditionally in Western herbal medicine to relieve restless sleep and help mind relaxation. 

How much magnesium do you need?

The specific amount of magnesium that’s recommended each day varies depending on your age and whether you’re male or female. Pregnancy also affects how much magnesium you need on a day-to-day basis. 

But generally speaking, for both men and women, recommended intakes increase slightly after the age of 30, rising from 400mg to 420mg a day for men, and from 310mg to 320mg a day for women.

If you are taking a supplement, always follow the ‘dosage’ instructions included on the label. 

Always read the label. Follow directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.